In 2005, these two leaders enlisted the help of ten more civic minded others and inspired them with the same vision. At this point, the journey really began to take shape. In 2008, their efforts led to a successful non-profit status catapulting our founding educators’ inspiration for the future of a local children’s museum. Finally, a much needed cog for our community growth and youth development had arrived.
Purchased in 2017, the once Boomtown Furniture building seemed naturally designed to accommodate the hopes and dreams of the founders. Since officially opening November 30th 2018, Zing Zumm has been the humble host of many events ranging from fundraisers and community development soirees to birthday parties and holiday retreats and everything in between.
This museum is the patchwork of many efforts since its inception. The following is a timeline of major events that led to the birth of the museum as we all know it today.
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